HELD 5th NOVEMBER 2019 20:00HRS
Chairman, Brian Susman
In attendance: A Susman, A Hill, R Spratley, J Branch, L Bywater, P Lippitt, M George and J Stanier
BS opened the meeting thanking everyone for attending.
Apologies received from J Hill, J Howells, A Gregory and A Hancock
BS went through the 2019 fixture list gathering a general consensus as to whether the fixtures would be renewed in 2020.
BS in full agreement with those in attendance suggested the following fixtures for 2020:
Wednesday Fixtures
Oldswinford (H/A)
Beacon (H/A)
A Gregory XI
Sunday Fixtures
Fossils (H/A)
Ashby Albion
- Treasurers Report
A copy of the Treasurers report was distributed to those present. Club funds are currently healthy but there was a significant loss for the year of £432.94. Total balance at present is £1772.46.
As AH is unavailable at the meeting, the Treasurers report will be deferred for discussion at the Duck Supper.
BS also suggested that regardless of a return fixture, all teams playing at Enville should be asked for a contribution towards tea. All present agreed.
JS suggested a small rise in subscriptions in order to replenish club funds. All present agreed that a £5 increase in annual membership (Adults) would be appropriate.
All current Officers are happy to continue in their roles.
Chairman BS proposed by A Hill, seconded by M George
Vice Chairman MG proposed by A Hill, seconded by JB
Captain LB proposed by A Hill, seconded M George
Secretary LB proposed by A Hill, seconded M George
Treasurer TH proposed by A Hill, seconded M George
Head of Comms AS proposed by A Hill, seconded by M George
LB confirmed that the annual Duck Supper would take place on 29th November 2019, meeting at 1915hrs ready to sit at 2000hrs. The Enville pavilion will host the supper this year.
LB will contact the remaining Bedouins yet to clarify their attendance and gather remaining menu choices.
BS to update Trevor Spiers with the choice in wine.
PL offered to check availability and arrange nets for the Bedouins this winter.
Crestwood School to be contacted by PL
JS also offered to contact Mr Spooner at Oldswinford.
The next Bedouins AGM will be held on Tuesday 3rd November 2020.
Cricket Teas
BS to contact Sam to check her availability to provide Wednesday night teas.
AH and AS confirmed Jo and Nicky happy to continue to assist with Sunday teas.
LB also confirmed Claire happy to assist when required for Sunday Fixtures.
New Recruits
LB Confirmed Craig Aston has indicated he would like to join the club formally next season.
Golf Day
BS confirmed that he would approach J Davidson about arranging the Bedouins Golf day 2020.
Multiple venues were suggested, including Chesterton, Ombersley and Cleobury Mortimer.
BS stated he would ask JD to source a suitable location with competitive rate.
Barry Cottle Trophy
AH indicated that the trophy will be ready for the first awarding at the Duck Supper.
BS suggested that the award should be a discussion on the night of the Duck Supper and should be for the ‘most memorable’ moment of the season in the spirit of Barry. Votes will be taken from the membership to decide the winner.
No other business raised; BS closed the meeting at 21:15hrs.
Minutes L Bywater