HELD 4th NOVEMBER 2014 2000 HRS
Chairman, Brian Susman
In attendance: A Susman, A Hill, R Spratley, A Gregory, J Branch, P Lippitt, L Bywater.
Apologies received from George, Currie, Howells, J Hill and Hancock
BS confirmed with the agreement of those in attendance that we will look to maintain all fixtures from 2014 season.
LB confirmed that Prosperity were keen to participate and proposed alternate year tea arrangements going forward.
BS also raised the question of whether the club could take on more fixtures. BS suggested that a home Wednesday game with Beacon and a Home Fossils Sunday fixture may be possible.
LB/PL raised concerns at the availability of the squad on a Sunday but supported both these fixtures. AS stated that last season availability had been much improved. It was agreed that BS would approach both teams to gauge interest.
Unfortunately the Treasurer was absent from the meeting owing to illness. This item on the agenda will be revisited at the Duck Supper.
A copy of the report was distributed among those present. Club funds are currently healthy, showing a small surplus for the year of £87.45. However we are still awaiting a refund from the nets sessions which should give us a total surplus of £125.25 for the year. Total balance at present is £2349.37.
LB reminded the meeting that the 2015 home Halifax fixture will account for some of the surplus.
BS proposed that, as the club was financially healthy, subscriptions should be maintained at the current rate of £40 per year. All in attendance agreed.
BS also sought to clarify subscription costs for junior members. He confirmed, on reference to the club constitution, that junior members’ annual subscriptions are £15.
Junior members will not be requested to pay match fees.
All officers agreed to stand for another year. None opposed.
BS confirmed that the annual Duck Supper would take place on 28th November 2014, meeting at 19.15hrs ready to sit at 20.00hrs.
LB requested that all remaining Bedouins who had not already forwarded their menu choices and cheques should do so as soon as possible. LB would provide AS with a list of those still outstanding and reminders sent out accordingly.
LB also requested clarification of the number of ladies attending the supper, as a result of which he will book a table for eight.
LB also confirmed that numbers for the Duck Supper are looking good this year but that final numbers and menus must be received by 14th November.
BS also requested that LB investigate the possibility of vegetarian option for those not wishing for a meat/fish meal, which he agreed to do if required.
BS asked if Bedouins would like to continue nets practice. LB/RS indicated that they would and those present in general were in agreement.
LB/AS/JB all suggested that the nets at Summerhill School were not well attended and were not suitable for Bedouins purposes. Lighting was poor and equipment not up to standard. Bedouins had incurred an extra cost at the nets when a set of stumps was broken. The school had charged what had appreared an inflated fee to replace the stumps. All agreed that an alternate venue be sought.
PL/AG both indicated that Monday nights were not suitable due to late working. It was agreed that midweek would be more appealing.
LB agreed to approach MG about booking nets at either King Edward VI or Edgecliff School.
The next Bedouins AGM will be held on Tuesday 3rd November 2015.
New members
RS indicated he may know an interested party. BS suggested that he pass on contact details to AS.
JB also suggested speaking with Jon Stanier who may wish to turn out for the Bedouins. AS agreed to approach him.
AH confirmed that, as far as he is aware, the ladies are happy to continue to supply the teas for next season.
Golf Day
BS confirmed that he had approached J Davidson about arranging the Bedouins Golf Day 2015. Feeling was mixed in the group as to where to hold the day. Both Astbury Hall and Sapey Golf Club were popular choices. BS stated that he would ask JD to investigate the best packages. E-mail to follow.
BS asked if the membership would be interested in having a ten-pin bowling night instead of another evening at the greyhound racing. LB/AH both indicated that they would prefer the dogs evening as extended family may not be so keen on the bowling. PL suggested holding both events, with a ten-pin bowling evening being arranged for the end of the season in September. All agreed that this would be a good idea, and PL said he would look into an evening at Dudley.
BS will look at arranging the Dogs evening around April. It was suggested by BS that this should be done as soon as possible to give us the best opportunity of sitting together.
Rearranged Fixtures
PL asked if rained off fixtures could possibly be rearranged on the second pitch at Kinver, should Enville not be available. JB stated that this was possible. All agreed that David Thomas does a fantastic job providing us with available dates and that we should continue to use Enville’s facilities where possible.
No other business raised, BS closed the meeting at 21.25hrs.
Minutes L Bywater